Osteoarthritis or OA is a common condition that can affect joints like knees, hips, neck, finger joints, or the spine. It can affect around 11% of adults in New Zealand with the prevalence being more common in people of European descent.

Common symptoms include painful and or stiff joints, joint inflammation (from damaged cartilage – the slippery surface at the end of bones), muscle weakness, and wear and tear of the ligaments and tendons around the affected joints.

OA commonly occurs after an injury to a joint and may take years to decades after the initial injury to develop. Usually characterised by increasing joint pain and stiffness that is aggravated by activity, more often, OA can be associated with physical inactivity and obesity. Both conditions increase the risk of many chronic diseases and therefore increase the chance of premature disability and death. Studies have shown that:

  • A 5% reduction in body weight results in a 30% reduction in pain scores for people with OA
  • A 10% reduction in body weight results in a 50% reduction in pain scores
  • Whereas the best non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication reduces pain by 25%

Therefore modifying lifestyle factors such as diet will also not only improve physical function but will also further reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Currently there is no cure for OA, but it can be managed successfully for many years with a combination of non-surgical treatment like osteopathy as well as exercise-based and load management interventions, without the need for invasive surgery.

Your osteopath will aim to improve your mobility and reduce inflammation with gentle osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles, and ligaments. Your osteopath will also help with education around your diet and exercise which can also factor into OA.

Treatment often can relieve symptoms very quickly and as well as pain reduction, you may also experience less swelling, improved mobility, and an increased range of joint movement. Your osteopath may require x-rays or blood tests to assess the extent of your condition and they will talk with you and other medical professionals should this be required.